

Bouquet with Lizards, 40 inches by 48 inches, oil on canvas
"Bouquet with Lizards", 2006
40 inches by 48 inches, oil on canvas
Lizard with Peonies, 48 inches by 36 inches, oil
"Lizard with Peonies", 2007,
48 inches by 36 inches, oil
Zebra and Sailboat,  30 inches by 30 inches, oil
"Zebra and Sailboat", 2007, 
30 inches by 30 inches, oil
Bouquet with Coins, 48 inches by 48 inches, oil
"Bouquet with Coins", 2007,
48 inches by 48 inches, oil
Jumble, 50 inches by 70 inches, oil
"Jumble", 2007, 
50 inches by 70 inches, oil
Matches,  8 inches by 8 inches, oil
"Matches", 2007,
8 inches by 8 inches, oil
Nest Eggs, 10 inches by 10 inches, oil
"Nest Eggs", 2007,
10 inches by 10 inches, oil
Pepper, 8 inches by 10 inches, oil
Pepper", 2007,
8 inches by 10 inches, oil
Walnut, 8 inches by 10 inches, oil
"Walnut", 2007,
8 inches by 10 inches, oil
Green Bowl,  8 inches by 10 inches, oil
"Green Bowl", 2007,
 8 inches by 10 inches, oil
Silver Cup, 11 inches by 14 inches, oil
"Silver Cup", 2007,
11 inches by 14 inches, oil
Silo,  30 inches by 30 inches, oil
"Silo", 2007,
 30 inches by 30 inches, oil
Red Lantern, 30 inches by 30 inches, oil
"Red Lantern", 2007,
30 inches by 30 inches, oil
Portrait of Robert, 24 inches by 30 inches, oil on canvas
"Portrait of Robert", 2006,
24 inches by 30 inches, oil on canvas
Scallions, 16 inches by 11 inches, oil
"Scallions", 2006,
16 inches by 11 inches, oil
Wasp, 16 inches by 18 inches, oil on canvas
"Wasp", 2006,
16 inches by 18 inches, oil on canvas
Butterfly 1, 16 inches by 18 inches, oil on canvas
Butterfly 1, 2006,
16 inches by 18 inches, oil on canvas
Butterfly 2, 16 inches by 16 inches, oil on canvas
Butterfly 2 , 2006,
16 inches by 16 inches, oil on canvas
Raja Brooke's Birdwing, 16 inches by 16 inches, oil on canvas
"Raja Brooke's Birdwing", 2006,
16 inches by 16 inches, oil on canvas
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